Our Mission
Bring assistance to any persons who are homeless, unemployed, sole parents or otherwise disadvantaged including food, women's support, counselling, and social welfare services.
Our Story
Bay City Care is a not-for-profit organisation that works collaboratively with the community, government, non-government agencies to address a range of social and immediate issues.
Founded in 2007 Bay City Care is an initiative and community welfare arm of Bay City Church to bring assistance to any persons who are homeless, unemployed, sole parents or otherwise disadvantaged including food, women's support and social welfare services.
Bay city care is committed to providing assistance to any persons who are homeless, unemployed, sole parents or otherwise disadvantaged regardless of race, religion, or gender; including food, domestic violence support, general counselling and social welfare services.
"We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world."